The Next Generation DESCENT Part II 7×01
Is Data going to destroy the Federation? Yeah, probably not. But Bev is in command of the Enterprise, Geordi is being tortured, Troi and Picard are prisoners and Riker and Worf are taking their good ‘ol time sneaking around with Hugh.
Bridging seasons six and seven, this is certainly the more exciting of the two. Bev destroys a Borg ship and will Data irradiate La Forge’s brain? Things get wrapped up rather quickly, but Hugh enjoys the little bit of screen of which he should have been more privy. We get to see Spot, and Lore’s fate is determined here.
I summarize the plot and point out and explain all the references so you don’t have to

I’m still logged in but cannot access anything, can just see videos and a big white background with kellyplanet logo, ive asked people on Facebook STT group, and they said they gave up trying after a few days. I really like your site and all the work you do to keep it up to date, please help.
Hey Brad, thanks for the heads-up. I was aware of the issue, but it took me so long to fix it because I couldn’t replicate the problem on any of my computers. There were some internal cache problems on my end, but I believe it is all worked out now. Thanks again.