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Immortal Crew Filter Now Available

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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 824
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Hey everybody,

I received an email last night from one of our Captains requesting a feature to view only Immortalized Crew. This idea has been on my desk for a while, I simply hadn't gotten to it yet. 

You may be thinking "But MyCrew were showing an 'IMMORTALIZED' flag on their Cards and Pages"... and you'd be correct. That designation was calculated on the individual Crew's level (max to 100) and if all stars were attributed. While accurate, this isn't super helpful with programming filters however. 

So now there is an Immortal MyCrew page that works just like the regular one, except it only deals with your Immortal Crew (of course) and bases the total and percentage calculations on your MyCrew total, not all the Crew in the game.

The first time you use this, it will show zero Immortalized Crew until you use the update buttons. These do the calculations and apply a new IMMORTAL designation in the database where applicable. You'll want to do these quick updates periodically to make sure you Immortalized collection is current.

NEVERMIND: I added the Immortalization feature in the MyCrew Upload Process, so any Immortalized Crew in your upload will be added in the database. Once you update your backlogged Crew, all newly Immortalized Crew will be automatically included. I should have done that a long time ago.

This also means the IMMORTALIZED flag won't appear on your Crew again until you update, since the Cards and Pages now use the new database designation instead of calculating every time.

This only applies to the Immortal Designation. Your Crew's stats are completely unaffected and once a Crew is flagged Immortal, it always will be. 

I am including a screenshot of my Immortal Page below. You'll notice you can sort by Star Rating and view your percentages and totals like you are accustomed to. There are links to the Immortal Page in the menu, on the regular MyCrew Page, and IMMORTALIZED flags on the Cards and Pages will link you to your Immortal MyCrew page as well. There is also a link below.

** I also added a thing that checks if you have any Immortalized Crew that aren't designated as such. If so, the UPDATE buttons will be available, otherwise you won't see them if you don't need them.


LLAP -erickelly


This topic was modified 15 hours ago by erickelly
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This topic was modified 13 hours ago by erickelly


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