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kellyplanet STT Update 23.07.19

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Hey everyone, I hope summer (or winter) is going well. It's been relatively hot where I am and Canada keeps sending us crappy air.

The Shrike ship from Picard has been added to the database.

I forgot to add the "As Usual" Collection (Casual), so I did that today. There are currently 58 associated Crew. Five of those did not have a Collection before:

  • Off-Duty Ortegas
  • Off Duty Janice Rand (yes, one is hyphenated and the other is not for some reason)
  • Jennifer Sisko
  • Date Night Chapel
  • Quarren of the Kyrian 

The rest of the stuff has to do with Augments, or Augment as it used to be. With that addition of Ceti Alpha V Khan, I noticed that they added an "s" to the official trait. So I had to go fix the other 17 Augment Crew including their respective Crew Pages.

This got me to thinking about how some "Engineered" Crew are considered "Augments" and some are not. While this may make sense (as in the case of Airiam), a few versions of Bashir are one but not the other. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason to this. Also, Sarina Douglas is an Augment (ok), but Admiral Patrick is not? Don't ask me.

This whole "Augments" thing made me catch an error on my part. Captain Burnham had an Augment trait slot which was supposed to be "Xenoanthropology". I fixed this.

LLAP -erickelly
