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kellyplanet STT Update 23.08.01

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Joined: 7 years ago
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nuqneH! I've been a bit behind on my update posts because I started a Star Trek video series and wanted to get the whole first season of Lower Decks ready before I published anything. All 10 episodes are now on my completely remodeled YouTube channel ( and Season 2 is in the works.

Anyway, most of the updates have to do with the game itself, and some are from last week.

Power Ransom is our new Gauntlet reward. This makes three Gauntlet Crew now that I have yet so see. For someone who plays as much as I do, this seems statistically improbable.

Don't forget they gave us a free Farragut Kirk and Legendary Behold last week. You have to go in the Honor Hall to find them.

There was a small issue with the It's Been a Long Road ENTERPRISE Collection. Not everyone was showing up, which was a punctuation error on my part, but it has been fixed. 

I just noticed today that the Dabo Wheel and Crew Slots are 50% for the next week, so hit that up if you need to. I always need Crew Slots.

LLAP -erickelly

