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kellyplanet STT Updates 23.04.30

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May starts tomorrow (my birthday month!), and there are all kinds of nifty things going on with STT.

First of all, I just noticed today when loading this week's event Special Crew, that kellyplanet Captains now own 99% of all available crew. That is incredible. In fact, there are only ten left. Two of those are being released with the upcoming event, so we're realistically looking at only EIGHT. Thank you so much for everyone's involvement. I am going to throw out a special mention right now to Captain GOBER, because I know he alone has almost all the Crew (he's in my fleet).

There was a small error with Excretus of Borg: I forgot to load the full body image and he was erroneously assigned to The Original Series. That has been corrected. I also changed Drone Magnus Hansen to be "Magnus Hansen" as the base character instead of just "Magnus".

Coming for May, the game will be bringing back the weekly Crew Packs, so we'll have new Crew besides what we get with the Events. This feature has been missing for several months. 

Also this month, we are getting Heroic Shaxs in the Honor Hall. I have plenty of credits to get him the moment he is released and will make him available on here.

I'd like to point out the changes I have noticed with the game's developers after the shake-up at WRG at the end of 2022... and they're all good. I honestly feel like this game has decided to give us... the fans... what we want, which is rare in the entertainment industry these days.

I think that the end of Discovery has allowed the "powers that be" to break away from feeding us all the unnecessary social commentary that show was pushing hard. It may have taken the first part of this year to "get their ducks in a row", but it is happening.

It started with the Deep Space Nine anniversary, then the last Mega Arc was Borg-centric (I loved that). The next Arc is about Enterprise, and a lot of the new characters are from Lower Decks. It's no longer Michael Burnham everything, and I think the awesome TNG fan service that was the series' end of Picard has something to do with this.

We're getting a new Riker (and Jonathan Frakes is from Pennsylvania!) for Captain Picard Day (June 16th) and Crew from Picard Season 3 is coming in July. Hellz Yeah.

This game is in its eighth year, and it just keeps getting better. How 'bout that.

LLAP -erickelly
