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kellyplanet STT Updates 23.12.04 BUG FIX

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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Hey everybody... I fixed a bug

Here's what was going on: Sometimes when uploading to MyCrew, the system would set the incorrect stats for certain Crew. This would occur if a lesser copy of that Crew happened to get loaded AFTER your regular version. This didn't happen all the time. In fact, no one seemed to notice (or were too polite to mention it to me). 

The Crew in question would NOT be removed from your Crew records, just that the stats may not have been up to where they needed to be. 

Apparently the checks and balances in my original programming weren't sufficient, but this has been fixed. I just tried it with my own Crew.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

A whole bunch of new Crew are being released in December (and I assume up to and including Convergence Day in early January). I'll do my best to have them available on here before they are actually released in the game.

LLAP -erickelly
