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kellyplanet STT Updates 24.01.29

1 Posts
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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Hey Everybody,

I have finally been able to unleash some of the upgrades I had planned for the New Year. Before we get to that, I had to fix some of my errors. I had C.O.P. Sisko labeled under TOS (hit the wrong button)... he is Non-Canon and is now marked as such. Also, looking at the Single Trait Crew... Prophet Kira has been swapped from her "Federation" Trait to "Prophet"... so it is no longer a single trait. I might mention that Sarek's version of "The Prophet" (literally) does not currently have the Prophet trait. 

You may have noticed that the new interface has been implemented on about 80% of the Crew pages by now. And, oh, it is much more fancy. I came up with the "digital crew card" idea 7 years ago and had to add what I call "index images" once the Crew population got into the many of hundreds (as of now, about 1500). What's the difference? As of now, (most) of the interface you will see involves the simple square Crew portraits. Now when you click on them, a brand new Crew Card appears with all kinds of useful information.

Further clicking (or tapping) on the Crew Name or Crew Image will still take you to the full Crew Page. But that's not what is really cool...

To compare Crew, you can now open up the 'cards' and they will be pinned to your screen and you can move them around wherever you wish (much like a standard GUI, be it Windows, Mac, or Linux).

As of now, this is not available on some of the HOT Lists yet, but there are only so many hours in a day. The program I wrote for this 2024 edition is going to take over all the Crew functions, but there are some more backwards-capability issues I have yet to work out. 

I hope you enjoy the improved functions on this site, as I enjoy the time it takes to create this stuff. 

Mobile works very well also, but to really get into it, you need a larger display.

I'll post again when all the final touches are completed.

LLAP -erickelly
