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kellyplanet STT Updates 24.06.24

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Joined: 6 years ago
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Hello Everybody,

Yeah, I know it's been a while. I've been busy. Specifically, it is like 2am on a Sunday night (or Monday morning) and I have just finished this insane "traits audit" that was released earlier this month. Hundreds of Crew got even more hundreds of traits added, which also means corresponding Collections had to be updated and it took forever.

I compared all 70 current Collections with the game, as well as the traits, and I can say with 99% certainty that this system is accurate. 

The 'Vulcan' trait has been removed from Graduation Amanda Grayson, Graduation Michael Burnham (never had that trait in the first place), and Miranda Jones. The Twin Mistresses of Evil had their hologram trait removed though I have no idea why. 

There are still about 20 Crew that are not in a Collection. Mirror Beverly Crusher and Mirror Data are not in the Timelines' Originals Collection, though they don't exist in canon. Leah Brahms got her first Collection out of this, and she is the only first. 

As far as I am aware, this is the first 'audit' ever to happen in 8 years, though it was announced as if this were a regular thing. Some Crew just got blanket updates, so if one version had a trait, they all do now. The official forum post listed "Doctor" as a trait, but they mean "Physician" as they changed that years ago to deal with Voyager's Doctor being referred to as simply "Doctor" to distinguish between the two. 

To be honest, some of these new traits make no sense, but hey... whatever. 

I was a little late, but I also added the new Orion Vessel and when I get a chance I will update the current ship MAX stats with my own numbers. 

We now have over 110,000 MyCrew in the database and every time the game's company switches hands (which has happened several times)  I have to modify my programming, so thank you to everyone on board here. 

LLAP -erickelly
