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kellyplanet STT Updates 24.07.02

1 Posts
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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Hello Everybody,

Another month, another Collection. 36 Crew have had the 'Vengeful' Trait added, and all of them are now in the 'A Score to Settle' Collection. We're up to 71 Collections now. Thank goodness there are only 36 for this one and for once, I didn't have to waste a lot of time tracking down one or two that didn't show up. Last month's Trait/Collections audit was brutal.

This is the first Collection for Croden from Deep Space Nine, so now there only only 18 Crew without at least one Collection. 

My current program allows for each Crew to have a total of 10 Collections and Niners Rom is already there, so I guess I'll have to do some mods soon. The same thing happened as they kept adding more Traits. I have 13 traits per Crew programmed in and so far only Mintakan Troi has that many. I am also currently set up to handle a max of 1999 Crew (because of the way I wrote the pagination programs), so it will be a while before that becomes an issue. is currently experiencing an over 150% increase in Unique Visitors per month (which is remarkable), so thank you to everyone who stops by and/or registers to use the STT system.

LLAP -erickelly
