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kellyplanet STT Updates 24.08.28

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Hello Everyone,

I'm a day late, but the new Your Loss, Their Gain (thief) Collection has been added with all 32 Crew. 

Not sure what the new Voyage Events are all about, they seem ridiculously easy. But hey, if they want to give me like 1000 dilithium for wandering through piece-of-cake Voyages with my 3rd string team, cool with me.

Something tells me that after this beta, they are gonna make the rewards far less appealing. Kind of like when they introduced Boss Battles, which we were flying through initially. Then all of the sudden you needed a crap ton of Magnesite to go anywhere and it was much harder to get. I guess we'll see.

Kind of reminds me of the Continuum Missions, which took me all week to get through when I finally decided to start them. I got used to them after a while and now I slug all three levels out in just two days so I can focus on something else.

Just some of my observations for your comparison.

LLAP -erickelly
