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kellyplanet STT Updates 24.10.28

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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Hello Everyone,

As I noted I was going to get to, the SHIPS thread has been updated. 

The Prometheus, Hiawatha, NX-01 Refit, Serene Squall, Enterprise J, Shrike, Dove, and Farragut have all been maxed to at least standard and removed from the list.

Those that remain are at my current highest levels. 

I started some upgrades for October 2024. Because we now have Voyage Events, I added your personal Voyage Rating Stats to the Index Overlays and the Crew Pages (if you use the MyCrew system). This should have been done before, but I don't think it occurred to me that it would matter. It does, so there you go. 

I am in the process of making a program for the Voyage Events which will incorporate the MyCrew information (when available), and the new NPC's that pop up during those Voyages... just because.

I am also adding the functionality to keep track of Immortalized/Cryostasis Crew in case you'd like to do that. I cannot automate the Cryostasis Vault (because that data is not made available), but I will make it as easy as possible. 

Halloween is almost here, bwahahaha. If you follow my YouTube series, the TNG episode "Rascals" will premier on October 31st and will be presented in my version of SPOOKYVISION. IYKYK. No Barbara Streisand. 

LLAP -erickelly
