WRG is kind-of sort-of back on schedule, so today was a big day for STT stuff. I will probably forget to mention half of the things I did on this system today, but here goes...
The first thing I did was to add the Convergence Day Collection. It is only 15 Crew, and all of them were in one Collection or another already.
I did some tweaking because I had to remember that there are non-canon Crew that are NOT in the Timelines' Originals Collection for some reason. Now there are Convergence Day Crew that never had anything to do with Convergence Day. The Discovery Crew are probably in there because of contractual obligations.
We got a whole mess of new Crew today, which were all announced a week ago, but weren't published until now. All of them are female.
You might notice some small graphical and layout changes, they are all cosmetic.
There is a new feature for the Crew Engine that will show you all of those that are not in the Portal. These are also Crew you cannot retrieve with Interstellar Matter, Quantum, Credits and Polestars. You know, that overly complicated thing. By my math, I am missing six. Don't worry, I'll find them. The other 201 are here.
The reason I did this is because every few weeks when my Quantum maxes out, I have to use it or lose it, and am constantly finding that the Crew I want aren't available.
Basically, the results are the Crew you'll find on my Special Crew Page and pretty much everything since January 2019... come on.
We get some TNG characters later this month, which is cool.
LLAP -erickelly