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KP STT Upgrades for 2023

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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 726
Topic starter hasn't had a core rebuild since 2018, so there is going to be some major dev work for 2023. This includes the STT system.

The goals of the STT upgrades include:

  • Leaner crew upload from the game that will also include the ability to easily upload on mobile devices
  • Simplified Crew Cards
  • Paginated indexes
  • Streamlined Crew Pages for faster load times
  • Improved Boss Battles Calculator
  • I'm going to fix the little glitches in the Head2Head system
  • 0-100 scale KP Power Ratings. I've been trying to decide the best way to do this over the years. The formula for the calculations will remain the same, but the results will be based on a scale. The highest ranked Crew will be given the designation of 100. All other crew will be ranked to two decimal places based on their mathematical relationship to the highest ranked Crew.

Much of the work on the STT system will involve increased code efficiency and faster load times. When I wrote the base code back in 2017, there were less than a third of the Crew that there are now. I guess I didn't think five years ahead.

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by erickelly

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 726
Topic starter  

22.12.19 - still not Xmas yet, but I have done a lot of the 2023 upgrades so far. The MyCrew Upload now handles direct text 'paste' input and is 20% faster. I am working on making it a lot faster.

The paginated indexes are well on their way and now handle 50 at a time for faster load times.

The Crew Pages load faster, and there is more tweaking to do.

The Boss Battles Calculator and Head 2 Head systems have both been overhauled and are now at peak performance.

The KP Ratings are now adjusted to the highest ranked crew being 100, with all others deviating from that. 

I get a lot of stuff done at the end of the year.

LLAP -erickelly
