Last night, a glass (or two) of Jameson got my creative juices flowing. You can now limit your Boss Battle Trait search results to only show MyCrew (assuming you are logged in and have Crew in the system).
The results will still show the total number of matches, but will only show Crew you have. If you then wish to see all the search results, you can select SHOW ALL and *poof*, the remaining Crew will magically appear without a page load (cuz jQuery and all).
This morning, I also updated all of the HOT ICON display overlays. Not only are they all now standardized across the system, but the formatting is much tighter and looks much better on mobile. I don't know why I never bothered to do that earlier.
Gotta say, the new pagination system sure is handy. Menus are now at the top and bottom of search results, which is much more convenient. I designed the current program to handle up to 2000 Crew, so hopefully I have a while before mods are needed.
LLAP -erickelly