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MyCrew Upload Issue Fix

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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Hey Everybody,

You may have noticed in the comments section that some Captains were just recently (like this weekend) having problems uploading their Crew. This only affected a small number of Captains and things worked fine for everyone else, including me. 

Since my own files from the game showed no problems, I needed another point of reference. I usually don't bug you guys outside of this platform, but I sent out some emails to ask Captains for their original game data (once the files are uploaded to this site, they are heavily processed, so that doesn't help).

Well, thanks to Captain jnoble20987, I received a file to work with almost immediately. Turns out, their file wasn't set up the same as mine. I am going to guess that perhaps the game's programmers changed the json structure at some point (probably recently) for newer Captains, but I don't know... it's not like I am informed of this stuff.

It took a few hours, but I figured things out and modified my code so now old school files like mine AND the newer ones work perfectly as far as I know.

If there any continuing issues, please message me so I can be on top of it.

Big thanks again to Captain jnoble20987 for providing me the information I needed to get this resolved in a relatively quick manner.

LLAP -erickelly

