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The New Continuum Thing - My Two Cents

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Hey everybody, we're a week in to the new Continuum feature and I figured I'd take the time to give my opinion thus far. The next event is a re-run, so I have even more time for something like this.

It's widely known that this feature didn't launch so well, and we've been handsomely rewarded because of this. Even to this point, there are members of my fleet that are reporting that their interface isn't working correctly. 

As assumed, the Continuum Missions are a re-hash of the Galaxy Missions that someone like me finished five or six years ago. This time around, the missions are more difficult, can only be run with immortalized Crew, and reward you with Q-Bits and Quipment (and Q-pons and... yeah). All the Q-branded stuff will allow you to boost selected immortalized crew...albeit temporarily. 

What this means to me... assuming it works: well, first of complete all the Continuum Missions will force me to thaw and re-freeze all kinds of Crew that I forgot about years ago. Not only is this annoying, but it will cost Chronitons. Ok, fine, I'm down with that. I have more Chrons, Merits, Honor Points, Credits... than I know what to do with.  It's something else just to say you did it all.

I haven't checked out what the actual boosts are going to look like, but I probably won't care so much. If you are super-competitive and want to get the absolute best scores in The Gauntlet or on Voyages... have at it. If you have a Crew anything like mine, you'll do just fine regardless. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I can run like a million hour Voyage or come in straight up NUMBER ONE in The Gauntlet - and don't get crap. The special Crew rewards seem to be completely random, so it doesn't matter how much your Crew is boosted. 

At the time of writing this, I personally have about 1200 of all available Crew, about 900 of which are immortalized. There are members of my fleet that put those numbers to shame. 

For perspective, the Polestars and Interstellar Matter thing was a big deal about two years ago when that came out. I use the Crew Retrieval once a month to pull Legendary Crew for Collections. Boss Battles were also a big thing, but at the point my fleet is at, I wonder if spending the necessary dilithium for more Valor is worth getting the Super-Rare beholds or whatever that inevitably give me Crew I already have.

I realize that I may be a bit cynical, and don't have the perspective of a newer Captain (things have changed a lot over the years), but collecting Q---bits--whatever... to boost individual Crew seems like a detail that I just don't have to worry about.

I will complete all the Continuum Missions when I don't have Crew out on Voyages or Shuttle Missions, so maybe my tune will change. I do realize (especially almost 8 years in) that the developers want to sell more dilithium. 

If I have completely missed a point, please let me know. I think it is great that there are still new attributes to the game. 

UPDATE 23.11.10 - I have just received another "ooops our stuff doesn't work" about the Continuum message in-game. As far as I know at this point... all your progress gets reset every week. Yeah, no thanks. If I never complete the new galaxy map (or the re-run thereof), so be it).

LLAP -erickelly

This topic was modified 1 year ago by erickelly


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