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Korn`s Drummer Is From PA - Learn Stuff

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I ran into a guy - literally on the street - who was like \"you gotta do a Korn video... like, this week!\". You want Korn, you got it!

I happen to know a lot about Korn, as I have been listening to them since `95 thanks to Beavis and Butt-Head*. When choosing a topic, I didn`t want to use something from the hours of old documentaries that I have, and there`s something I can tie-in with my GO PA! series.

His name is Ray Luzier, and he has been their drummer since 2007.

Luzier was born and raised in West Newton, PA (near Pittsburgh) in 1970. After graduation, he moved to Hollywood to pursue music. His career in percussion goes much farther back than Korn, and has played with Steel Panther, David Lee Roth, the DeLeo brothers from Stone Temple Pilots, and well as Army of Anyone and others.

Ray`s audition for Korn impressed the band so much, they pretty much hired him on the spot. Considering he covered tracks from their eighth album, I am not surprised. If you aren`t familiar, the drums for that record were written and performed by Terry Bozzio, look him up.

If you are keeping track of the math, Luzier has now been Korn`s drummer longer than the original, David Silveria.

20 years ago, I would never have predicted that Korn would have a member from Pennsylvania.


Images and data as of August 2022. © erickelly @ All registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. I hope you got the Life Is Peachy reference at the end.
*This has nothing to do with the main article but... I probably would have become a Korn fan in 1998 (or later) like everyone else. Fortunately for me, there were a lot of snow storms in the mid-90`s, and I was often home from school. The internet wasn`t really a thing, so we watched TV. The show Beavis and Butt-Head played some clips from Korn`s first single: Blind - and that was it for me.
I recall being on the school bus, listening to Life Is Peachy on a Sony Discman when a new girl from `the city` sat in front of me. When she asked what I was listening to, of course I replied simply \"Korn\". She rolled her eyes... and I kid you not... said \"oh, great, I move to this hick town and you guys listen to vegetable music\".
Corn is a grain.

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That’s an awesome story! Ray Luzier is such a talented drummer and has an impressive resume. It’s cool how he ended up in Korn and even cooler that he’s from PA. I had no idea Korn had a member from near Pittsburgh. Thanks for sharing this, it ties in perfectly with your GO PA! series. And yes, I definitely caught the Life Is Peachy reference!

By the way, as a graduation gift, my parents gave me a Sony Discman, which led to some great memories like listening to Life Is Peachy on the school bus. It’s amazing how influential shows like Beavis and Butt-Head were in discovering new music back then. Cheers to Korn and to discovering great music in the most unexpected ways!
