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What is Nougat? - Learn Stuff

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I know nougat is in all kinds of candy bars, most of which I have sampled at one time or another. Apparently it is also very popular at Christmastime in southern Europe. But what is it?

This question came about when I got my dad a candy bar, which actually didn`t have nougat, but it got the gears turning. I realized I had no idea what the heck that chewy stuff actually was.

Nougat has been around forever. The first recorded mention comes from 7th century Spain where is was produced by people from east of the Mediterranean. Recipes have surfaced from places like Iran and Turkey several centuries later.

The basic ingredients are sugar, honey, nuts, and egg whites. Different varieties have been developed in southern Europe as time went on. The version found in American candy replaces sugar with high fructose corn syrup (of course).

I had been eating this stuff for years and had no idea what it was.

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