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STT Collections - How many do you have? What is your goal?

2 Posts
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Loren Ross
Active Member KellyPlanet STT Captain
Joined: 3 years ago
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Hi guys, I've been playing STT for a while and when I first started, I found Kellys site and started using it to keep track of my cards. Time has gone by I've seen and grown alot. I know about me; according to KP, I currently have 865 of 1502 (about 60%) and am down to just purple and golds.

I'm curious about you guys who are also using KP to track. How are you doing? are you gaming? or are you more of a completist, like me?

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 645

Hey Loren,

I have 1263 Crew at the moment, that includes everything Rare and lower. I have 97% of all available Super Rare Crew, and 71% of all available Legendary Crew. 

There are Captains that use this site that have far more than I do. 

It's kind of funny, when I first started programming this back in late 2017, the point was to show me which Crew to focus on - since my resources were quite limited at the time. The game has changed considerably, and certainly allows for much greater strength with less time dedication than it used to. 

At the point I am in this game, anybody can be immortalized within a few minutes, if I so choose. That sure changes how one approaches things.

Thanks for your thoughts!

LLAP -erickelly

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