The Next Generation EVOLUTION 3×01

We're into season three already, and the Enterprise is at a binary star system to study a stellar ex… more

The Next Generation SHADES OF GRAY 2×22

This is the last episode of Season Two, and Paramount wanted to make even more money than they alrea… more

STT Skirmish Event COMMON GROUND & New Crew

Skirmish Event: COMMON GROUND 3.07-3.11 | 294 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellyplanet… more

The Next Generation PEAK PERFORMANCE 2×21

It's time for some Starfleet wargames, and Riker is charged with preparing the 80 year old U.S.S. Ha… more

The Next Generation THE EMISSARY 2×20

A Klingon Battlecruiser has been detected near Federation outposts. The problem? The crew has been f… more

The Next Generation MANHUNT 2×19

This time we're on a diplomatic mission with a special guest... Troi's Mom! Picard's gotta hide, so… more

STT Galaxy Event ENEMIES CLOSER & New Crew

Galaxy Event: ENEMIES CLOSER 2.29-3.04 | 292 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellyplanet.… more

The Next Generation UP THE LONG LADDER 2×18

Starfleet has detected a distress beacon that's from Earth... 200 years ago? What's up with that? Ap… more

U.S.S. Yang

U.S.S. Yang    Federation / Starfleet    Legendary Ship    Federa… more