STT Faction/Galaxy Event LINEAR TIME and New Crew

Faction/Galaxy Event: LINEAR TIME 01.26-01.30 | 46 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellypla… more

STT Galaxy Event BE OUR GUESTS and New Crew

Galaxy Event: Be Our Guests 01.19-01.23 | 43 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellyplanet.c… more

STT Hybrid Event IT`S BEEN A LONG ROAD and New Crew

Skirmish/Galaxy Event: It's Been a Long Road 01.12-01.16 | 162 Bonus Crew – see them all at http… more

STT Anniversary on kellyplanet

Star Trek Timelines is celebrating seven years! This makes the STT system on kellyplanet about five… more

STT Faction Event FRACTURED DAWN and New Crew

Faction Event: Fractured Dawn 12.29-01.02 | 164 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellyplanet… more

Boss Battles Trait Calculator Upgraded 22.07.27

The Boss Battles Calculator has been up for a week with thousands of searches, thank you! The MOST… more

STT Boss Battles Trait Calculator on kellyplanet

Boss Battles for Star Trek Timelines was launched Tuesday, July 12th. A week later I am introducing… more

Jim Beam Fires – Learn Stuff

In less than twenty years, Jim Beam lost over 3 million gallons of their Kentucky Bourbon due to war… more

Happy Captain Picard Day 2022!

Happy Captain Picard Day! The first celebration in Star Trek canon occurred in The Next Generation s… more