Lower Decks TWOVIX 4×01

The U.S.S. Voyager has been converted to a museum ship and it's up to the Cerritos to make sure it g… more

Stinkbugs Are Kinda New i dunno? 240510

Stinkbugs weren't around when I was a kid. https://youtu.be/SPXto7eQHXE We all know about stinkbugs,… more

The Next Generation THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Part Two 4×01

We finally get to find out what happened after Riker fired on Picard and the Borg Cube. I didn't mak… more

Not Quaker Oats i dunno? 240508

These things have nothing to do with Quakers. https://youtu.be/f53Lhlwpo1U I know, why am I talking… more

STT Faction Event OFF THE CLOCK & New Crew

Faction Event: Off the Clock 5.09-5.13 | 83 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellyplanet.c… more

The Next Generation THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Part One 3×26

The Borg are in the Alpha Quadrant and they want to assimilate the Federation. Commander Shelby is t… more

Fishers Aren’t Fishers i dunno? 240506

They don't even eat fish. What's up with that? https://youtu.be/Y7rdp_O8sLo Turns out I don't know s… more

The Next Generation TIN MAN 3×20

There is something weird out in the Beta Stromgren system and it's a race against the Romulans to ge… more

Chesapeake is Kind of Shallow i dunno? 240503

You'd think it is rather deep, but it isn't. https://youtu.be/4wtPIscfWuc The Chesapeake Bay is a pr… more