Water Towers Aren’t Just Big Tanks i dunno? 240331

Water towers have a really important function that I had no idea about. https://youtu.be/9uYRD33dapM… more

The Next Generation THE DEFECTOR 3×10

The Romulans are up to no good and Geordi gets stranded on Galorndon Core near the Neutral Zone. His… more

Panthers Aren’t a Thing i dunno? 240330

I always thought panthers were a member of the big cat family like tigers or lions, but nope. https:… more

Mall of America Not Heated? i dunno? 240329

The Mall of America has huge open spaces, but they aren't artificially heated. Malls really aren't… more

Groundhogs Climb Trees? i dunno? 240328

Groundhogs do all kinds of stuff I didn't know about. Today I want to talk about groundhogs. You ma… more

The Next Generation THE VENGEANCE FACTOR 3×09

Some space pirates are causing trouble, so Picard and the Enterprise show up to negotiate peace. The… more

April Fool’s is Old! i dunno? 240327

April first pranks have been around for a long time and are celebrated all over the world. This is… more

STT Faction Event PELDOR JOI & New Crew

Faction Event: PELDOR JOI 3.28-4.01 | 32 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellyplanet.com/… more

The Next Generation THE PRICE 3×08

A wormhole has been discovered, and The Federation is bidding on it against the Ferengi... and this… more