Archaeologist Q

Archaeologist Q    Q    Q Continuum    John de Lancie    The… more

Jumpin’ Gigawatts! Doc Brown was a Klingon!

Christopher Lloyd is probably best known as Doc Brown from the Back to the Future movies and Uncle F… more

Tony Todd from Candyman was Worf’s Brother

Tony Todd from the Candyman franchise is a veteran Star Trek actor. He made several appearances on T… more

King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein is a Star Trek Fan

Back in 1996, the Prince of Jordan had a cameo on Star Trek: Voyager's 20th second season episode: I… more

Mick Fleetwood was on Star Trek, but You’d Never Know It

In 1989, Mick Fleetwood (yes, the drummer and founder of Fleetwood Mac) made a guest appearance on t… more

Tuvok was in Spaceballs and American Horror Story

Everyone's favorite Vulcan Chief of Security has had roles in other cult classics. Tim Russ was one… more

The Guy from The Orville was on Star Trek – Twice

Seth MacFarlane is quite a talented fellow. Years before he created and starred in the hit series Th… more

Chuft Captain

Chuft Captain    Chuft    Kzinti    James Doohan    The Anim… more

Risa Bashir

Risa Bashir    Bashir    Human    Alexander Siddig    Deep S… more