The Next Generation THE PRICE 3×08

A wormhole has been discovered, and The Federation is bidding on it against the Ferengi... and this… more

Rayna Kapec

Rayna Kapec    Rayna    Android    Louise Sorel    The Origi… more

The Next Generation THE ENEMY 3×07

The Romulans have violated the Neutral Zone and La Forge is trapped on Galorndon Core. There is also… more

The Next Generation BOOBY TRAP 3×06

Picard has found a museum piece, but now his ship is trapped. Going forward isn't the answer, so wha… more

STT Faction Event SLEEPING GIANTS & New Crew

Faction Event: SLEEPING GIANTS 3.21-3.25 | 297 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellyplane… more


Gaila    Gaila    Ferengi    Josh Pais    Deep Space Nine &n… more

Desert Trip Tucker

Desert Trip Tucker    Trip    Human    Connor Trinneer    En… more

The Next Generation THE BONDING 3×05

Lt. Aster is killed while on Worf's away team and is survived by her 12 year old son. Worf feels it… more

The Pahvan

Pahvan   The Pahvan    Pahvan    Computer Generated Image    Discovery    Legendary Crew… more