The Next Generation THE NAKED NOW 1×03

Yeah, that sound a whole lot like a TOS episode, and both have been referenced in canon ever since.… more


Thalen    Thalen    Xindi    Christopher Goodman    Enterpri… more

Valeo Beta V Sam Kirk

Valeo Beta V Sam Kirk    Sam    Human    Dan Jeannotte    St… more

Brain Drain Crusher and Riker

Brain Drain Crusher and Riker    Crusher and Riker    Human    Gates M… more

The Next Generation ENCOUNTER AT FARPOINT 1×02

Part two of the feature-length pilot episode, this reminds me of when I was a kid. We find out what… more

Valeo Beta V La’an

Valeo Beta V La'an    La'an    Human    Christina Chong    Strange New Worlds    Legendary… more

The Next Generation ENCOUNTER AT FARPOINT 1×01

This is the show that got me into 'Trek in the first place. There's 176 of these, so I have my work… more

STT Hybrid Event HOLO REALITY and New Crew

Faction/Galaxy Event: HOLO REALITY 09.28-10.02 | 65 Bonus Crew – see them all at https://kellypl… more

Lower Decks SEASON TWO

All ten episodes of season two, all wrapped up into one. Sit down, grab some popcorn, and listen to… more