The Next Generation FIRST CONTACT 4×15

Riker is undercover in preparation for a first contact mission, but something goes wrong. https://yo… more

The Next Generation CLUES 4×14

The entire crew passes out, except Data. When they come to, he says they have been out for 30 second… more

The Next Generation DEVIL’S DUE 4×13

A Federation planet is in trouble, and it seems that the populous sold their sous to the devil a tho… more

The Next Generation THE WOUNDED 4×12

We are introduced to the Cardassians and a rogue Starfleet Captain is going around blowing up their… more

The Next Generation DATA’S DAY 4×11

Data is making a super long log entry to Bruce Maddox about what goes on during a typical day aboard… more

The Next Generation THE LOSS 4×10

There is some weird space stuff going on an Troi loses her empathic powers. This is a huge deal and… more

The Next Generation FINAL MISSION 4×09

Wesley gets accepted into Starfleet Academy again and ends up on an old mining shuttle with Picard w… more

The Next Generation FUTURE IMPERFECT 4×08

Riker wakes up in sickbay and it's sixteen years later than his memory and he is the captain of the… more

The Next Generation REUNION 4×07

Klingon Chancellor K'mpec is dying and he wants Picard to oversee the transition of power in the Hig… more