still on the way

Can’t Drown in Quicksand i dunno? 240515

Quicksand isn’t lethal without help.

This might be a generational thing, but if you are anywhere near my age, we were worried about stuff
as kids. Dangers like lava, catching on fire, and quicksand – all things we wanted to avoid.

Lava is real of course, but kind of regional. Most people don’t randomly catch on fire. Quicksand is
also a real thing, and can be found anywhere there is enough water and granulated soil.

The thing is, it is impossible for a human to drown in quicksand. That’s a fact, despite what you see
in movies.

If quicksand kills you, it’s just because you can’t move so well and exposure gets you, or a predator,
or you drown in a rising tide… but not the quicksand itself.


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