still on the way

Mall of America Not Heated? i dunno? 240329

The Mall of America has huge open spaces, but they aren’t artificially heated.

Malls really aren’t a thing these days, but there are still some huge ones. The 3rd largest in the U.S. is right here in Pennsylvania at King of Prussia.

The biggest one is Mall of America and that’s in Minnesota. It gets pretty cold there, but they don’t heat the open space in the actual mall with like a furnace or anything. How’s that you may wonder?
It’s not chilly in there.

The heat from the sun that comes in through the massive skylights during the day and the body heat from the thousands of people running around are enough to keep it room temperature.

It would be cool if your house worked like that.

They even sometimes run the A/C in the winter to keep it from getting too warm.
I think that’s pretty neat.



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