still on the way

Stinkbugs Are Kinda New i dunno? 240510

Stinkbugs weren’t around when I was a kid.

We all know about stinkbugs, more specifically brown marmorated stink bugs.

They are in the order hemiptera and the family pentatomidae… and I remember that from Mr. Zerbe’s class.
The thing is, when I took that class, stinkbugs weren’t a thing. At least not here. They are from Asia.

The first stinkbugs were found in North America in Allentown, Pennsylvania back in ’98. They were included
with cargo from a place we get all kinds gross things we’d rather not have to deal with – China.

So ever since, we’ve been squishing these bugs in our homes, especially during winter. If you don’t
remember stinkbugs from your childhood, that’s why.


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