still on the way

Sugarcane, Sugar Beets, Sugar i dunno? 240513

A whole lot of sugar comes from sugar beets.

Where does sugar come from? Like real sugar. Sugarcane would be my answer, and that’s over 50% correct.

Now, I’ve heard of sugar beets, I just figured they were beets that are sweet, because they are, but
that’s not all. They are really, really sweet.

We all know humans consume a whole lot of sugar. The thing is, sugarcane only grows where it’s super warm.
So places like Russia grow sugar beets. And so does the northeast United States and most of Europe.
So much is produced that beets account for something like 40% of real sugar in the whole world.

There’s probably a sugar beet farm not far from me, so how didn’t I know this. I dunno.


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