STT Faction Event LEAP IN LOGIC & New Crew

Faction Event: LEAP IN LOGIC 9.26-9.30 | 94 Bonus Crew – see them all at : V’Las  | T’Les | Commander T’Pol & 14 other T’Pol Crew |  and 77 other Vulcan Crew



Assimilated Sidney La Forge – 4* CMD/ENG/SCI – 7 Traits | 1 Collection – Voyage Rating: 2519 (#884) – Ranked #3 Command Skill Base Maximum, #7 Command Skill Average Roll of Super Rare Crew




Ambassador Saru – 5* CMD/DIP/SCI – 8 Traits | 3 Collections – Voyage Rating: 3706 (#57) – Ranked #10 Command Skill Base Maximum of Legendary Crew




Surak Archer – 5* CMD/SEC/SCI – 9 Traits | 4 Collections – Voyage Rating: 3626 (#170) – Ranked #6 Science Skill Base Maximum of Legendary Crew




Henoch Spock – 5* SEC/MED/SCI – 10 Traits | 2 Collections – Voyage Rating: 3632 (#158) – Not on any HOT List




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