still on the way

Tuvok was in Spaceballs and American Horror Story

Everyone’s favorite Vulcan Chief of Security has had roles in other cult classics. Tim Russ was one of the troopers ‘combing the desert’ (literally) in the 1987 Mel Brooks film Spaceballs. His relatively minor role was made famous by the line “We Ain’t Found Sh*t!”. Fast forward to 2019 and I notice Russ as a serial killer in American Horror Story: 1984. Quite a different character.

Tim Russ portrayed Lt. Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager from 1995 to 2001. He was also on Star Trek: The Next Generation as Devor in 1993, the Klingon T’Kar on Deep Space Nine (also 1993), and a Lieutenant in the film Star Trek: Generations in 1994.

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