still on the way

STT Anniversary on kellyplanet

Star Trek Timelines is celebrating seven years! This makes the STT system on kellyplanet about five… more

Jim Beam Fires – Learn Stuff

In less than twenty years, Jim Beam lost over 3 million gallons of their Kentucky Bourbon due to war… more

Happy Captain Picard Day 2022!

Happy Captain Picard Day! The first celebration in Star Trek canon occurred in The Next Generation s… more

Niagara Falls Moves – Learn Stuff

It makes sense that waterfalls recede upstream over time. Niagara Falls does this at a relatively qu… more

Optimus Prime was the Predator – Learn Stuff

I've been a life-long fan of both the original Transformers and Predator characters. It is surprisin… more

Venus Flytraps Are From The Carolinas – Learn Stuff

Carnivorous plants come from wild jungles where you'll also find quicksand and big snakes, right? We… more

March 17th Fun Facts – Learn Stuff

Saint Patrick's Day is my second-favorite holiday. Like Halloween, I appreciate what the day represe… more

Star Trek Actors in the Stargate Universe – Part Four – Learn Stuff

Star Trek and Stargate are two of the most successful science fiction franchises of all time. With w… more

I Thought Maersk Was Russian – Learn Stuff

If you've ever been on a highway in the U.S. (or pretty much any country), MAERSK containers are har… more