still on the way

The Next Generation LIAISONS 7×02

The Federation has made some new friends and there are ambassadors aboard the Enterprise for a week… more

The Next Generation DESCENT Part II 7×01

Is Data going to destroy the Federation? Yeah, probably not. But Bev is in command of the Enterprise… more

The Next Generation DESCENT 6×26

The Borg are back and are causing all kinds of problems, but now they are fast and vicious and talk… more

The Next Generation TIMESCAPE 6×25

Picard, Troi, Geordi, and Data return from a conference in a runabout to find the Enterprise locked… more

The Next Generation SECOND CHANCES 6×24

The Enterprise is at Nervala IV to retrieve a database and Holy Crap! There are TWO Rikers! How did… more

The Next Generation RIGHTFUL HEIR 6×23

Worf is on a spiritual retreat when Kahless the Unforgettable shows up. That's weird, because that g… more

The Next Generation SUSPICIONS 6×22

A Ferengi scientist is found dead on the Enterprise and Doctor Crusher will risk her career to prove… more

The Next Generation FRAME OF MIND 6×21

Commander Riker goes undercover to help a Federation team escape a planet with a government in turmo… more

The Next Generation THE CHASE 6×20

It's a race against the Klingons, Cardassians, and Romulans to complete a DNA scavenger hunt in an u… more