KELLYPLANET CREW: 1313 (85%) TOTAL: 1542
51 - 100 of 1313 erickelly Crew
« 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 »
Alternate Future Jadzia Dax
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax
War Correspondent Jake Sisko
Determined Janeway
Homesteader Janeway
Evolved Janeway
Assimilated Janeway
Agent Janeway
Etana Jol
Kahless the Unforgettable
Pah-wraith Keiko
The Keeper
Fury Kes
Captain Harry Kim
Wrathful Khan
Wrathful Kirk
Survivalist Kirk
Gangster Kirk
Kal-if-fee Kirk
Rura Penthe Kirk
Mirror Kirk
Kol of House Kor
Mother L'Rell
Chancellor L'Rell
Assimilated La Forge
Interfaced La Forge
Conditioned La Forge
Musketeer La Forge
Lt. Commander La Forge
Leila Kalomi
Covert Operative Leland
Lenara Kahn
Satin Dress Lily Sloane
Captain Lorian
Changeling Martok
"Dark Ages" McCoy
Gladiator McCoy
Dr. 'Bones' McCoy
Crell Moset
Tactical Officer Neelix
Captain Nog
Tuxedo Nog
Bridge Officer Number One
« 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 »


Captain KellyPlanet… wow that sounds entirely too much like a guy with green hair from the 90’s …

So what does MY crew look like? Well, despite the fact that I created this system specifically to identify which crew are worth more than others, I try to “collect ’em all” (though I have never played Pokemon).

As you can see, I have a lot of crew. It took five years, but I am finally to the point where all I worry about is Legendary Crew because I have nearly all of the other ones.

My current captain avatar is MEME Picard… because I am tired of changing my avatar.

If you use the MyCrew™ System, this is what your MyCrew™ Page will look like (with your own crew of course, not mine lol).


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Captain's Log
There are currently 1519
Crew in Collections (99%)