still on the way


Some crew you just can’t get in the time portal, from beholds, or even event packs. The following characters are available only by voyage rewards, gauntlet rewards or by fusing multiple others. Fierce Guinan is now available as an achievement award and Colonel Worf reportedly shows up in time portal packs now and then.

I moved the Captain Avatars to their own page here.



24.02.13 – UBIQUITOUS BORG QUEEN is the first Crew only available as an Epic Level Continuum Missions reward. Ranked #3 CMD Base, #3 CMD Avg, #4 CMD Max AND #2 overall for Voyages at time of publication.




24.07.02 – EV SUIT GORN is only available as an Epic Level Continuum Missions reward. Ranked #1 ENG/SEC Proficiency Minimum Gauntlet Combo of Legendary Crew at time of publication.




24.09.10 – KEJAL is only available as an Epic Level Continuum Missions reward. Not on any HOT List.




25.01.14 – KELLIN is only available as an Epic Level Continuum Missions reward. Ranked #8 Command Skill Average Roll of Legendary Crew at time of publication.




22.08.02 – DATA AND SPOT are the first Crew only available as a Collection Reward – when completing Pet People.




COMMANDING OFFICER SISKO : Rare achievement Crew… Change Your Captain Name

I added Commanding Officer Sisko to this page October 2023, though he has been around since September 2018.  Stargazer Picard and Emergency Medical Holoprogram Mk.1 have also been added to the Honor Hall section below. These three were the suggestion of Captain Kumar (thanks!).



Voyage Rewards


JANNAR : A Life Alone (part one) Option A / A Life Alone (part two) Option A



LUCIEN : Interference (part one) Option B / Interference (part two) Option A



THOT GOR : Off the Books (part one) Option A / Off the Books (part two) Option B



THE CLOWN : The Beginning of the End of the World Option A / The Voice of the Prophets Option C


FIERCE GUINAN : A Higher Duty (part one) Option A or B / A Higher Duty (part two) Option A or B / A Higher Duty (part three) Option A


COLONEL WORF : Champion of the People (part one) Option A / Champion of the People (part two) Option B / Champion of the People (part three) Option B


ENSIGN PICARD : Champion of the People (part one) Option A / Champion of the People (part two) Option B / Champion of the People (part three) Option A


DR. LEONARD MCCOY : A Higher Duty (part one) Option A or B / A Higher Duty (part two) Option A or B / A Higher Duty (part three) Option B


VORI DEFENDER CHAKOTAY : Random reward after six hours or longer. Added January 4, 2023



ADMIRAL BLACK : Random reward after six hours or longer.  Added March 28, 2023.  Admiral Black should be a Gauntlet Reward but whatever.


ONE WAY TICKET CHAPEL : Feature Exclusive Crew (whatever that means). Added September 19, 2023.



GRADY : Barely ranked #10 on the HOT List for Security Skill Average Roll. Added December 5, 2023.



DR. SIMON VAN GELDER : Ranked #3 Medical Skill Base Maximum, #5 Medical Skill Average Roll, #9 Medical Skill Maximum Roll. Added March 12, 2024.



BRIDGE BEVERLY CRUSHER : Ranked #6 Security Skill Base Maximum. Added September 17, 2024.




23.08.09- For the Dilemmas: Where Earth Meets Sky, The Cost of Living, Ladders and Chains, Blood-Red Tide, and The Buried Years – you now have a 1% chance to get a behold with Admiral Black or Vori Defender Chakotay (or a Random Legendary). There is also a 10% chance of a Super-Rare behold, and an 84% chance of a Ransom Super Rare.


For the Dilemmas: The Voice of the Prophets, A Higher Duty Part 3, A Life Alone Part 2, Champion of the People Part 3, Interference Part 2, and Off The Books Part 2 – when selecting the correct option (see above) you’ll get a behold featuring that Crew plus 2 other Super Rare Crew.


For the Dilemmas: First Author, The Tools at Hand, Friends in Need, and Burden of Proof –  you’ll get a behold featuring D’Kora Krayton and 2 other Legendary ships (now only at 500 schematics instead of 600).


Fusion Crew

THE DURAS SISTERS : Fuse either Rare Crew Lursa Duras or Rare Crew B’Etor Duras to 3/3* and get them to Level 99 (do not immortalize) – then fuse her with the other sister at 1/3* (no need to increase level). This will give you a Super Rare 1/4* THE DURAS SISTERS.

So how to you max out The Duras Sisters? Just do what you did above three more times. Fuse all your 1/4* The Duras Sisters together for a Super Rare 4/4* THE DURAS SISTERS! Or you can get The Duras Sisters if you are super lucky at the Dabo Wheel.

TUVIX : Get yourself a Rare Crew Ambassador Neelix and fuse him up to 3/3* as well as level him up to 99 (DO NOT Immortalize or it won’t work). Fuse your level 99 3/3* Ambassador Neelix with a fresh Rare Crew Security Chief Tuvok (no need to level or fuse him). This will give you a Super Rare Crew 1/4* TUVIX!

So how to you max out Tuvix? You are going to need three more pairs of Ambassador Neelix + Security Chief Tuvok to make three more 1/4* Tuvix. You don’t have to level up Neelix or Tuvok at all, but one of them has to be 3/3* and the other 1/3* in order to fuse them. Fuse all your 1/4* Tuvix together for a Super Rare 4/4* TUVIX!

EVOLVED JANEWAY : Get yourself a Super Rare Crew Captain Janeway (easier to get) and fuse her up to 4/4* as well as level her up to 99 (DO NOT Immortalize or it won’t work). Fuse your level 99 4/4* Captain Janeway with a fresh Super Rare Crew Mutated Paris (no need to level or fuse him). This will give you a Legendary Crew 1/5* EVOLVED JANEWAY!

So how to you max out Evolved Janeway? You are going to need three more pairs of Captain Janeway + Mutated Paris to make four more 1/5* Evolved Janeway. You don’t have to level up Captain Janeway or Mutated Paris at all, but one of them has to be 4/4* and the other 1/4* in order to fuse them. Fuse all your 1/5* Evolved Janeway together for a Legendary 5/5* EVOLVED JANEWAY!

ONE ZERO ZERO ONE : Get yourself a Super Rare Crew One Zero and fuse her up to 4/4* as well as level her up to 99 (DO NOT Immortalize or it won’t work). Fuse your level 99 4/4* One Zero with a fresh Super Rare Crew Zero One(no need to level or fuse her either). This will give you a Legendary Crew 1/5* ONE ZERO ZERO ONE!

So how to you max out One Zero Zero One? You are going to need three more pairs of One Zero + Zero One to make four more 1/5* One Zero Zero One. You don’t have to level up One Zero or Zero One at all, but one of them has to be 4/4* and the other 1/4* in order to fuse them. Fuse all your 1/5* One Zero Zero One together for a Legendary 5/5* ONE ZERO ZERO ONE!

INDULGENT SEVEN : She may be the most difficult to fuse, as she requires a Legendary AND Super Rare Crew. This is the most efficient way: Get yourself a Super Rare Crew Indignant Seven and fuse her up to 4/4* as well as level her up to 99 (DO NOT Immortalize or it won’t work). Fuse your level 99 4/4* Indignant Seven with a fresh Legendary Crew Mobile Doctor (no need to level or fuse him). This will give you a Legendary Crew 1/5* INDULGENT SEVEN!

So how to you max out Indulgent Seven? You are going to need three more pairs of Indulgent Seven + Mobile Doctor to make four more 1/5* Indulgent Seven. You don’t have to level up Indulgent Seven or Mobile Doctor at all, but one of them has to be 4/4* and the other 1/5* in order to fuse them.

Fuse all your 1/5* Indulgent Seven together for a Legendary 5/5* INDULGENT SEVEN!

Considering the complexity of this character fusion, you may want to simply use Honorable Citations to make a 5/5* Indulgent Seven because it would be easier.

REUNION SPOCK AND KIRK : Like Indulgent Seven, Reunion Spock and Kirk requires a Legendary AND Super Rare Crew. This is the most efficient way: Get yourself a Super Rare Crew Anxious Kirk and fuse him up to 4/4* as well as level him up to 99 (DO NOT Immortalize or it won’t work). Fuse your level 99 4/4* Anxious Kirk with a fresh Legendary Crew Fal-tor-pan Spock (no need to level or fuse him). This will give you a Legendary Crew 1/5* REUNION SPOCK AND KIRK!

So how to you max out Reunion Spock and Kirk? You are going to need three more pairs of Anxious Kirk + Fal-tor-pan Spock to make four more 1/5* Reunion Spock and Kirk. You don’t have to level up Anxious Kirk or Fal-tor-pan Spock at all, but one of them has to be 4/4* and the other 1/5* in order to fuse them.

Fuse all your 1/5* Reunion Spock and Kirk together for a Legendary 5/5* REUNION SPOCK AND KIRK!

Considering the complexity of this character fusion, you may want to simply use Honorable Citations to make a 5/5* Reunion Spock and Kirk because it would be easier.

MOLL & L’AK : This works just like the last two Fusion Crew. Get yourself a Super Rare Crew L’ak and fuse him up to 4/4* as well as level him up to 99 (DO NOT Immortalize or it won’t work). Fuse your level 99 4/4* L’ak with a fresh Legendary Crew Moll (no need to level or fuse her). This will give you a Legendary Crew 1/5* MOLL & LA’L!

As mentioned above, I wouldn’t try to make 5 of these, it is much easier to Immortalize them with Honorable Citations.

Gauntlet Rewards


LOCUTUS OF BORG : Strong in Diplomacy, Security / 7 traits


BARTENDER GUINAN : Strong in Diplomacy, Medical / 7 traits


THE CARETAKER : Strong in Engineering, Science / 7 traits


ARMUS : Strong in Science, Command / 5 traits. No longer on the Gauntlet HOT List. Replaced by Power Ransom.


THE RED ANGEL : Strong in Engineering, Science / 8 traits


BALOK : Strong in Command, Diplomacy / 7 traits


TRIBBLED KOLOTH AND KORAX : Strong in Security, Command / 7 traits


FIRST FLIGHT ARCHER : Strong in Command/Engineering / 9 traits



MIRROR MARINER : Strong in Diplomacy/Command / 8 traits. Mirror Mariner doesn’t even show up on the Gauntlet HOT List (but Admiral Black does). Seems like they have things backwards.


POWER RANSOM : Strong in Command/Science / 8 traits.



OMET’IKLAN : Strong in Security/Engineering / 10 traits. This is the first new Gauntlet Crew since July 2023, which I think is more reasonable. Mirror Mariner and Power Ransom were 3 months apart, and Mirror Mariner and First Flight Archer were only 2 months apart. That being said, it took me a year to get First Flight Archer and I have not seen Mirror Mariner or Power Ransom yet. I play every day as a considerably strong Captain, so what’s up with that. I guess we’ll see if I magically get Mirror Mariner in March of 2024. *** Close… April 12th, 2024.


BRIDGE WORF : Strong in Engineering/Security / 9 traits. It’s 24.07.09 and we haven’t had a new Gauntlet Crew in 5 months which is fine with me because it takes at least a year for them to “randomly” show up.



I am not entirely sure if you can acquire these crew anywhere else, but I’ll tell you this: I have multiples of each, all from The Gauntlet… EXCEPT… I have no Locutus of Borg and he was discontinued from The Gauntlet before I started playing, so… *April 8, 2020 : I got an email from a Captain named James. He says that he has pulled a Locutus of Borg as a Gauntlet Reward, so there’s hope!

* * April 24, 2020 : GhuruDude sent me an email that Locutus is the reward for completing 20K Gauntlet rounds. I have done the Gauntlet pretty much every day for over 2 1/2 years at this point, and I am no where near 20K. That might because I personally find the Gauntlet almost as annoying as the Arena, but at least it’s not required to complete your daily tasks.

***December 20, 2021 : it took over 4 years, but I finally got a Locutus in the Gauntlet – which is awesome, because it would take me like 7 years to get 20,000 rounds.

***December 13, 2023 : I am currently at 19,600. It will indeed take almost 7 years to get there.

Honor Hall


STARGAZER PICARD : Common Honor Hall Crew






KAHLESS THE UNFORGETTABLE : Strong in Command / 7 traits

Original Honor Hall Legendary Crew. 100,000 honor.


CAPTAIN BEVERLY PICARD : Strong in Medical, Command / 5 traits

Once upon a time, you could purchase Captain Beverly Picard in the Honor Hall, much like Kahless the Unforgettable – but not for long. She is absolutely the most powerful in the combined Command/Medical skill for The Gauntlet. I don’t know if you can still acquire her at all, but I haven’t seen her since. She is available for 100,000 honor.

*Jan 10, 2020 – I got an email from a Captain named Mike and he says that Captain Beverly is still in his Honor Hall. I hope that’s true for everyone that doesn’t have her yet. – ek

*Feb 20, 2020 – an email from Captain James confirms that Captain Beverly is still in the Honor Hall. Why DB removed her once I bought her (and not Kahless), I have no idea.


NANOPROBE PHLOX : Strong in Engineering, Medical / 6 traits

Added August 4th, 2020 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor.


CAPTAIN TRIBBLE : Strong in Command (the strongest at time of release) / 6 traits

Added March 23, 2021 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor.


BORG QUEEN SEVEN : Strong in Command, Engineering (but not as strong as Assimilated La Forge or EV Suit Picard in the Gauntlet) / 7 traits

Added September 14, 2021 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor.


KAL’HYAH WORF : Strong in Command, Security (but not even on the Hot List AT ALL) / 4 traits

Added February 23, 2022 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor.


VALEO BETA V HEMMER : Strong in Security, Engineering (not on the HOT List either) I swear they do that on purpose just to see if we’ll bother saving up all that honor. I am guilty / 7 traits

Added September 6, 2022 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor.


TECHNICIAN UHURA : Strong in Diplomacy, Engineering | #1, #1, and #3 in Diplomacy Base Max, Average Roll, and Maximum Roll – Respectively | She’ll be on the HOT List for a while / 6 traits

Added December 6, 2022 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor.


HEROIC SHAXS: Strong in Security, Command | NOT on the HOT List / 8 traits

Added May 16, 2023 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor.



VOX: Strong in Security, Engineering | NOT on the HOT List / 6 traits

Added August 23, 2023 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor. Usually they do these in predictable six month intervals…this one only took three.



TIMELESS CHAKOTAY: Strong in Command, Science | #6, #4, and #6 in Command Base Max, Average Roll, and Maximum Roll – Respectively  / 8 traits

Added November 16, 2023 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor. It looks like the 3-month interval is normal now.



DATA AS MASAKA: Strong in Engineering, Diplomacy | #2, and #2 in Engineering Average Roll, and Maximum Roll – Respectively  / 8 traits

Added March 5, 2024 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor. It was more like 4 months this time.



OUT OF TIME BURNHAM: Strong in Security, Engineering | NOT on any HOT List  / 8 traits

Added April 9, 2024 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor. Jeezaloo, they waited a whole month this time. THIS is why I keep 100,000 honor in reserve.



BLUFFING NOG: Strong in Diplomacy, Engineering | NOT on any HOT List  / 8 traits

Added August 13, 2024 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor. 4 month gap this time.



RETURNING KIRK: Strong in Command, Engineering | Ranked #9 Command Skill Base Maximum  / 11 traits

Added November 18, 2024 in the Honor Hall for 100,000 honor. Back to the 3-month gap.


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Crew in Collections (99%)