KELLYPLANET CREW: 1313 (85%) TOTAL: 1542
151 - 200 of 553 erickelly Crew
« 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 »
Klingon Neelix
Safecracker Nog
Klingon O'Brien
Undercover O'Brien
Chief O'Brien
Douglas Pabst
Army Chaplain Odo
Stranded Odo
Trader Odo
Orion Slaver
Admiral Owen Paris
New Eden Owosekun
Combat Medic Paris
Maquis Takeover Paris
Captain Proton Paris
Mutated Paris
EV Suit Phlox
Mirror Phlox
Irumodic Syndrome Picard
Admiral Picard
Robin Hood
Detective Dixon Hill
Tommy Gun Dixon
Boreth Pike
Runaway Po
Victorian Pulaski
Marshal of France Q
Human Q
Data Q
Captain Q
Pugilist Q
Tourist Quark
Wedding Day Quark
Klingon Quark
Q Junior
Raffi Musiker
Transporter Chief Rand
Berlinghoff Rasmussen
Tourist Reed
Rura Penthe Reed
Desperate Riker
Augment Riker
Riker Q
Protomorphosis Riker
Angel I Riker
Cristóbal Rios
« 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 »


Captain KellyPlanet… wow that sounds entirely too much like a guy with green hair from the 90’s …

So what does MY crew look like? Well, despite the fact that I created this system specifically to identify which crew are worth more than others, I try to “collect ’em all” (though I have never played Pokemon).

As you can see, I have a lot of crew. It took five years, but I am finally to the point where all I worry about is Legendary Crew because I have nearly all of the other ones.

My current captain avatar is MEME Picard… because I am tired of changing my avatar.

If you use the MyCrew™ System, this is what your MyCrew™ Page will look like (with your own crew of course, not mine lol).


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Captain's Log
There are currently 1519
Crew in Collections (99%)