KELLYPLANET CREW: 1303 (85%) TOTAL: 1538
201 - 250 of 1303 erickelly Crew
« 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 »
Dr. Richard Daystrom
Marine Q
Gul Madred
Executive Director Hugh
Resilient Tuvok
Lothario Q
Adira Tal
Harcourt Fenton Mudd
Decoy Kira
Gangster Spock
Graduation Amanda Grayson
Ishan Chaye Sisko
Lt. Commander Uhura
Mirror Data
Little John Riker
Compromised Airiam
Abraham Lincoln
North Star Tucker
Ambassador Soval
Tribble Herder Scotty
Lt. Commander Icheb
Chief Engineer Rutherford
Bounty Hunter Mudd
Weyoun Clone 5
Reunion Spock and Kirk
Commander Kira Nerys
Boothby Replicant
Dark Empath Troi
Barry Waddle
Leonardo da Vinci
Klingon West
Xindi-Aquatic Councilor
Admiral Kirsten Clancy
Bartender Tuvok
Tribble Quark
Stranded Quark
Captain Tribble
Jett Reno
Kamin Picard
Amanda Rogers
North Star T'Pol
Captain Picard Day Picard
Mirror Beverly Crusher
« 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 »


Captain KellyPlanet… wow that sounds entirely too much like a guy with green hair from the 90’s …

So what does MY crew look like? Well, despite the fact that I created this system specifically to identify which crew are worth more than others, I try to “collect ’em all” (though I have never played Pokemon).

As you can see, I have a lot of crew. It took five years, but I am finally to the point where all I worry about is Legendary Crew because I have nearly all of the other ones.

My current captain avatar is MEME Picard… because I am tired of changing my avatar.

If you use the MyCrew™ System, this is what your MyCrew™ Page will look like (with your own crew of course, not mine lol).


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Captain's Log
There are currently 1515
Crew in Collections (99%)