51 - 100 of 669 results for "Science Proficiency Average"
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Ensign Mendon
Expedition Vash
Florist Q
Gilora Rejal
Holodeck 3 Dr. Brahms
Lieutenant Saavik
Lt. Commander Nella Daren
Mora Pol
Racquetball Bashir
Richard Castillo
Rifle Janeway
Security Chief Tuvok
Subcommander T'Pol
Surgeon Phlox
Talos IV Spock
Temporal Shift Kes
Ambassador Sarek
Ambassador Spock
Assimilated Tuvok
Automated Unit 3947
Berlinghoff Rasmussen
Bestselling Author Jake Sisko
Blood Oath Jadzia Dax
Buster Kincaid Kim
Cadet Wesley Crusher
Captain Q
Captain T'Pol
Claiborne Chekov
Commander Chapel
Commander Ellen Landry
Commander Thelin
Commander T'Pol
Danara Pel
Disguised Tuvok
Doc Crusher
Dr. Gillian Taylor
Dr. Hippocrates Noah
Dr. Toby Russell
Dr. Tolian Soran
Drone Seven of Nine
Feezal Phlox
Fencing Sulu
First Officer Saru
Formal Dress Wesley Crusher
Forra Gegen
Graduation Michael Burnham
Gralik Durr
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CREWLOGIC™ ENGINE by erickelly

The program that makes this display possible is the heart of the STT System on kellyplanet. The database and core framework were first developed in late 2017 and have been continually upgraded ever since. The idea was initially to provide a vast improvement over the old-school spreadsheet docs that were prevalent at the time. Even today, it sure beats trying to sort through crew page by page by page by….

The Star Trek Timelines database on KellyPlanet.com is developed by erickelly™ © 2018-2024
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Captain's Log
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