201 - 250 of 933 results for "Command Maximum Roll"
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Mirror Janeway
Mirror K'Ehleyr
Mirror Mayweather
Mirror Sisko
Mirror Uhura
Nexus Kirk
Niners Kira Nerys
North Star Archer
Orion Slaver
Platonian Kirk
Professor Scott
Prospero Data
Rakal Troi
Resistance Shakaar
Riley Frazier
Robin Hood
Romulan Kirk
Rura Penthe Reed
Sheriff Worf
Stranded Odo
Tactical Michael Burnham
The Duras Sisters
The President of Earth
Thot Gor
Tommy Gun Dixon
Torchbearer Voq
Tourist Quark
Tsunkatse Seven
Tuskegee Mayweather
Vedek Bareil Antos
Warship Chakotay
Warship Janeway
Warship Yar
Weyoun Clone 4
Young Khan
Durango Troi
Enabran Tain
Enterprise-E Picard
EV Suit Archer
Falcon O'Brien
First Officer Burnham
First Officer Chekov
First Officer Riker
Frank Hollander
Gangster Kirk
Garak, Elim Garak
« 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 »

CREWLOGIC™ ENGINE by erickelly

The program that makes this display possible is the heart of the STT System on kellyplanet. The database and core framework were first developed in late 2017 and have been continually upgraded ever since. The idea was initially to provide a vast improvement over the old-school spreadsheet docs that were prevalent at the time. Even today, it sure beats trying to sort through crew page by page by page by….

The Star Trek Timelines database on KellyPlanet.com is developed by erickelly™ © 2018-2024
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Captain's Log
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