still on the way

STT on kellyplanet: How it works…

The STT Home Page includes a sidebar (located at the bottom on mobile) that shows you the current database stats. These are all links that will filter the display based on whatever you select.

The KellyPlanet STT Engine displays crew on convenient color-coded index images. Much pertinent information is available as overlays, reducing the necessity to click on several links to get all the data you want. Each crew also has its own page, with a whole lot more information. These dynamically generated images act as their own menu system, explained below.

This example is showing all current Legendary Crew, sorted alphabetically by the character’s name by default. You can also sort by the KP Rating. Sorting is not done by the specific Crew Name so that all similar characters show up together, like Archer (instead of EV Suit Archer being grouped with the “E”‘s, for instance). The Crew Engine is paginated with a limit to 50 characters per page for loading efficiency.

There’s a lot of information available on the Crew Card overlays. You can open as many at a time as you wish, and the cards can be repositioned on your screen wherever you want. Tapping the portrait takes you to the individual Crew Page, which has pretty much everything you could ever want to know.

Instead of taking up space with star icons, the image borders are color-coded for rarity. Legendary is yellow, Super Rare is purple, etc. Just like in the game.

If the Crew happens to be on the HOT List, tapping the Flame Icon will display an overlay with what Skill Ranks qualify. More about the HOT List.

The MYCrew button will add or remove that Crew from your own personal collection of you a registered Captain. All members of your crew will have a noticeable portrait backdrop so you can easily see who you have. You can even upload your crew and all their stats directly from the game.  More About MYCrew.

If you happen to own a particular Crew, and have used the MyCrew Upload, YOUR stats will be displayed for that Crew in green.

Basically, everything is a link that further sorts characters based on whatever you select.

I could not have made this any easier.

The STT sidebar to your right works the same way, try it out. Of course, there is also the standard search box, which works pretty darn well too.

More about the KP Power Ratings

as explained on each crew page, the KP rating system is based on a fancy algorithm that I created to rank crew – not just on how powerful their main skill happens to be. This rating adjusts as new crew are introduced to the system.

The number in green is that power rating. The currently highest rated crew is ranked at 100, so you can infer how strong crew is on a 0-100 scale. The number in white is where that particular crew ranks among ALL available crew. If you lined up all the crew from weakest to strongest, that’s where you’d find them. Smitten Picard happens to be a 58% at the moment, so he’s stronger than more than half of the total available crew.

The third number (in whatever color that character happens to be associated), is the ranking compared to all crew at that level. In this case, Smitten Picard is ranked 58% of all crew, but a not-so-impressive 10% when compared to other 5* Legendary crew.

The percentage in brackets [ %] is the deviation from average compared to all crew at that level.

You may be thinking “hey, Smitten Picard’s numbers in Command and Diplomacy aren’t too shabby!”. True, but crew at similar or even slightly lower numbers may have more traits, collections, a third skill, or rank higher when compared to the highest ranked crew in skills or proficiency. All of these things are considered because I go entirely too far overboard on calculation formulas.

The reason I programmed it like this is to help make decisions on which crew to try to acquire. 5* crew will almost always get a higher rating than 4* and so on. This system allows you to determine crew strength when compared at the same level.

Sometimes the KP Rating might not seem to make sense at first. For instance, Captain Tribble is the absolute strongest crew in Command Skill, but has a crappy KP Rating. This is mostly because of the single skill instead of three. You can spend your time and resources on another crew and get a great Command Skill as well as several others. Captain Braxton comes to mind.

The logic I use with the KP ratings is all about efficiency and how I personally approach the game. To me, skill strength and proficiency is important, but so is the number of Traits, membership in Collections, availability for Cadet Challenges (in lower level crew), Ship Combat stats, etc. You can only afford to level up so many crew, and only have space for so many crew, so I prefer to focus on crew with which I can do the most (as opposed to just being really good at one thing).

If you have an unlimited budget and can spend 60 hours a week playing STT, then the KP ratings probably don’t mean as much to you as the Hot Lists. For the rest of us, their purpose is to help determine who is worth keeping. I use the KP ratings in conjunction with the Hot Lists and I do pretty darn well.


The HOT ICON was added for 2021 as a means to quickly see who the top ranked crew are. Ranking is re-calculated whenever new crew are added. Touch or mouse-over the HOT ICON to display that crew’s HOT LIST rankings as an overlay – which are the top Base Max, Average Roll, and Maximum Roll for each skill. Top 10 for Legendary and Super Rare Crew. Top 5 for Rare Crew. Top 3 for Uncommon Crew. Top 1 for Common Crew. Gauntlet Combo Skills are also included for Legendary, Super Rare, and Rare Crew.

The HOT ICON appears on all crew portraits, index images and on each crew page.

The Star Trek Timelines database on is developed by erickelly™ © 2018-2025
STT Copyright Notice
There are currently 1657
Crew in Collections (99%)