I know I’ve been saying this on and off for forever, but I’m finally getting serious with offering a full-blown store for kellyplanet merch.

In fact, I’m so serious about this that I am writing my own e-commerce software and cart from scratch, which began in July of 2024.

Why would I bother to do that? Well, off-the-shelf software is by nature a one-size-fits-all kind of deal and I find that makes it overly complicated while at the same time not offering all the features that I would like. And I’m not paying for a custom solution because that’s kind of what I do.

The new store will exist entirely within the main kellyplanet.com framework so I don’t have to do all kinds of cross-domain acrobatics anymore. Just like all the other iterations of my stores, all payments will be securely handled by PayPal® and your data is secured by my SSL like always.

This is my first major software project for this site since earlier this year, and I have to find the time between my video series on YouTube and the constant STT updates – wish me luck 😉 -erickelly