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kellyplanet STT Updates 24.04.02

1 Posts
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Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Hey everyone, I've been slackin'... actually not... but it's been some time since I have posted here. 

Some other resources have finally decided to catch up to lil' ol' me... so I'll up the game a bit. I used to offer the feature of recording notes on each character... but it wasn't used much, so it was deprecated. BUT... I find it useful to make notes when I am doing my stuff for STT.... sooo...  Now let me "re-introduce" "Captain's Logs"...  you can now make notes in the sidebar... which I do all the time. Not logged in? yeah, I still offer that. If you would like to save your notes however, you need to be logged into

Your notes are saved (if you decide to save them) and always available... I have some jQuery to work out to make it persistent from page to page (probably tomorrow). Anyway, you can now make notes if you so choose. Just click on the "Captain's Log" graphic.

Because of all these fun things, I changed the database interface...  if you happen to manually remove a Crew, your personal stats are now retained. So, if you (for instance)... have an Immortalized Crew and remove them... if, and when, you bring them back... (poof)... your stats come back as well.

This is just another example of a function that I originally made for myself... is for everyone. 

This works perfectly fine, but I will add some finishing touches tomorrow.

LLAP- erickelly


