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Panthers Aren`t a Thing i dunno? 240330

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I always thought panthers were a member of the big cat family like tigers or lions, but nope.

When I think of a panther, I picture a large black cat. Unless you`re Skeletor, then it`s a large purple
cat. But, they`re actually not a thing.

There`s all kinds of cats, and I commonly think of lions, tigers, cheetas and cougars... not those kind of
cougars... but when I got to looking things up there are a whole lot more than that.

What a lot of us call panthers are just Leopards or Jaguars with a melanistic color variant.
Think reverse albino. Panthers aren`t a species.

Even then, it depends on where you`re talking about. In the eastern hemisphere, panthers are Leopards.
Panthers are jaguars in the western hemisphere.

No one has ever found a black version of a cougar or mountain lion, and they say they don`t exist in
Pennsylvania...but I swear I`ve seen them.

